
首页 Green Agenda-Ammonia Forum Shanghai 2022-v2

Agenda-Ammonia Forum Shanghai 2022-v2

Preliminary Agenda-V1 ( The final one is developing and will be updated ) 2nd NH3 Industry…

Preliminary Agenda-V1 ( The final one is developing and will be updated )

2nd NH3 Industry & Ammonia-Fueled Power System Shanghai Int’l Forum 2022

Time: Jan.13-14, 2022, Place: Shanghai downtown


2nd NH3 Industry & Ammonia-Fueled System Shanghai Forum 2022


Day 1 Jan.13, 2022 ( Thursday )

8:30-9:30 Registration and tour around the displaying booths


9:30-9:35 Welcome address

9:35-11:00 Keynote speech

Global NH3 industry’s development and trends

How large the ammonia market and to what opportunities will be brought ?

China’s ever growing multiple roles in the net-zero emissions industries

How does Ammonia serve as a key to the hydrogen economy ?

What financial tools can be applied and  how to access to the  green finance ?

11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break


11:20-12:30 Session A:  Ammonia application’s senarios

Demonstrations of using ammonia as a super hydrogen carrier in furnaces and vehicles

Ammonia as marine fuel in the shipping industry: What are the main hurdles to overcome – owners’ budget ? engine technology? fuel price and availability ?

Gas turbine and thermal plant’s application outlook

12:30-14:00 Lunch & networking

14:00-17:30 Session B: Ammonia fueled engines & new application

Latest updates on ammonia fueled engines’ timeline .

Alternative fuels insight-status

Shipowner perspectives: strategy, application and challenges

Ship’s newbuilding and retrofit’s opportnities

Designer’ perspectives on R & D and selection criterions

Industry’s chances and challenges ahead

Day 2 Jan. 14, 2022 ( Friday )

9:00-9:30 Registration and tour aroundthe displaying booths


9:00-9:05 Welcome address

9:05-11:00 Session C : Ammonia’s production for grey, blue and green ones


How will the further large scale production and commercialization be carried out ?

Updates on major development on current technology and market

Outlook on the role of  the renewable energy industry to the green ammonia market ?

How will stakeholders work together to support the development of  green ammonia ?

Developing strategies to new regulations& challenges

11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break

11:20-12:30 Session D:  Transportation, Storage and Terminals 

What criterions need to be addressed for the owners and operators ?

Updates on major development on  technology and regulations

How will infrastructure be developed to support the whole industry? How government support will be expected for its development?

Technologies  for ammonia being better used as a good carrier in the supply chain?

How infrastructures or facilities have been improved so far ?

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-17:00 Session E: Key equipment and supplies

What are the key equipment for a complete green ammonia industry chain ?

Electrolyser’s technology and solutions

Explore the challenges of designing and constructing AFSS

Collaboration with the project owners for the preparation for the systems

How to select the right makers

17:00-17:50 Closing Remarks


The above topic and agenda are preliminary subject to change on site.

You are welcome to refer to other companies who maybe interested in paying to attend or speak with the price list  as the link below: http://www.ishipoffshore.com/html/11/2021-06-13/13286.htm

Chinese version: http://www.ishipoffshore.com/html/1/2021-05-30/13186.htm

Or you may scan the codes below for quick information:







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